
Some materials when their temperature drops below a certain value can go into a state with zero electrical resistance. This temperature is called critical. Today there are a large number of compounds, elements, alloys, as well as ceramics with superconducting properties.
Superconductivity is a quantum phenomenon. Superconductors have the property of expelling a magnetic field out of their bulk, this behavior is called the Meissner effect. The presence of such an effect suggests that superconductivity meaning cannot be described as ideal conductivity in classical physics.
High-temperature superconductivity using liquid nitrogen, a fairly cheap cryogenic liquid, was found practical use in 1986-1993.
The YBCO superconducting ceramics are most prevalent today, you always can buy superconductor in our organization.
Engineering Solutions LLC produces two types of superconducting ceramics based on YBCO:
We have developed synthesis technologies for high-quality high-temperature superconducting powder of the composition YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO). The powder is synthesized using freshly prepared reagents of a high purity, a mixture of which in a crucible made of a noble metal is mixed at the appropriate temperature at the molecular level, ensuring high cationic homogeneity. The synthesized YBCO powder is the basis for the production of bulk HTSC products, superconducting films and superconducting thin-film structures.

At present, superconductivity is becoming increasingly practical, we can say that the time of engineering applications of high-temperature superconductivity has begun. Experience shows that practically any area of science and technology, to one degree or another, will be able to take advantage of the results of the introduction of superconductivity. In electronics: mechanisms and means of satellite communications. In aviation and astronautics: electromechanical launch systems, levitation systems, hysteresis electric motors, high-speed trains and other types of ground vehicles operating on a magnetic cushion, electric cars and vehicles with HTSC electric motors. In medicine: the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which allows you to get a visual picture of various human organs.
Superconducting magnetic shields are used to protect sensitive electronics from weak magnetic fields. You always can buy magnetic shield in our company.

High-temperature superconductivity has a tremendous effect on the energy sector, in particular on the production, storage, conversion and transmission of electrical energy. An important feature of superconducting magnets is their use as Electromagnetic Batteries. Other examples of the application of superconductivity are energy storage and storage devices. These and many other areas of HTSC use do not cover all its possible applications.
At present, film elements from high-temperature superconductors, which serve as the basis for superconductor electronics are being developed and studied. An important applied area of HTSC application is the creation of highly sensitive SQUID devices (Supercoducting Quantum Interference Device - SQUID). Moreover, film SQUIDs are of the greatest interest.
Today, due to the rapid development of the physics of nanostructures and nanotechnologies, it is very important to grow and study ultra-thin films, which are two-dimensional nanostructures.